Slim Weight Patch Review - Do Slimming Patches Really Work?

The weight loss industry churns out thousands of new diet supplements every year. Buying diet products online opens up even more possibilities.

Gone are the days when you could choose from only a few standard diet pills in your local drug store. Nowadays a new breed of weight loss product known as a diet patch has taken the slimming world by storm.

\"Diet Patch\"

One slimming patch that has been under high demand recently is the Slim Weight Patch created by pharmaceutical company Roduve.

Slim Weight Patch Review - Do Slimming Patches Really Work?

A reason for the slimming patches popularity is the fact that it only needs to be placed on the skin once a day, when usually diet pills need to be taken at the right times each day.

This method has been said to increase the effectiveness of diet patches by up to 95% of the effectiveness of diet pills.

How does the Slim Weight Patch work?

The ingredients in slimming pills pass through the digestive system before being used by the body.

During digestion, a lot of the active weight loss ingredients are broken up by acids and enzymes, which reduces the effectiveness of oral weight loss products.

That is why we often hear complaints about diet pills not working for some people.

With the Slim Weight Patch, like other diet patches, this is not the case. The weight loss ingredients bypass the digestive tract and enter straight through the skin into the blood stream.

This slimming patch focuses on helping the Thyroid gland to function effectively. This gland regulates the bodies metabolism.

The thyroid gland sends hunger signals to the stomach also.

The patches ingredients work with the thyroid gland, telling the brain to suppress these hunger signals while at the same time signalling to burn more calories thanks to boosting the metabolism.

Fucus vesiculosus, or bladderwrack, is the key ingredient in the Slim Weight Patch which helps support the thyroid gland.

Bladderwrack originiates from the Atlantic and specific oceans and is a type of brown algae. Seaweed and algaes are a popular ingredient in many weight loss supplements.

The other powerful slimming ingredients include Flaxseed oil and yerba mate.

So does the Slim Weight Patch really work?

The Slim Weight Patch has proven to be an effective weight loss patch from trials and customer testimonials.

Thankfully, this weight loss method does not involve starving or excessive exercising, so you do not have to vary your normal routine to see results.

The Roduve Slim Weight Patch is a safe and effective way of burning more fat and losing those excess pounds.

Slim Weight Patch Review - Do Slimming Patches Really Work?

Read my full Slim Weight Patch Review to see how much weight you could lose with the best diet patch.

A Review of the Weight Loss Patch - How Effective Are They?

The weight loss patch sounds just too good to be true. All you need to do is put on that diet patch and sit back as all that unwanted weight melts into oblivion. It's the perfect, most convenient way of losing weight without the added stress of forcing a regimen down our throats.

But before you run to the nearest drugstore to try them out, we have to review weight loss patches first. How effective are they anyway?

\"Diet Patch\"

A lot of websites have run their own weight loss patch reviews. It's wise to go over these articles before trying out unfamiliar products. They can give you a heads-up on any possible side-effects of putting on these patches.

A Review of the Weight Loss Patch - How Effective Are They?

What's in it anyway?

It's a known fact that we get easily swayed by online advertisements offering quick and easy ways to lose weight, the diet patch included. Now, if we just take everything for truth, then we cause some real damage to our bodies by taking these products. A good review of weight loss patches includes going through the substances that makes up the product.

In general, diet patches contain four basic ingredients that are supposed to aid weight loss. One is guarana, a stimulant that has fat burning properties. Another is chromium, a substance that helps regulate insulin levels. The theory is that if the body has regulated blood sugar levels, it also stops the urge to look for sweets and food that is rich in carbohydrates. Garcinia cambogia is supposed to stop carbohydrates from turning into fats and the brown seaweed which is touted to burn fats all make up the diet patches that we find in the market today. Of course, different companies will have added a host of other substances into their products to make them unique. But a weight loss patch review conducted by the US Federal Trade Commission proved that some of these diet patches do not really work.

The ingredients mentioned may have actual effects on weight loss, but this is not enough for the weight loss patch to warrant an approval as effective tools for people who want to lose weight. Without a change in the diet and lifestyle of the user, the patch is useless. The effects of the ingredients are pretty subtle and they can be overruled especially if the user continues an unhealthy lifestyle of overeating and not exercising.

FTC on diet patches

The US Federal Trade Commission has conducted a review on two weight loss patches that are being distributed in the market and found the manufacturers guilty of providing false claims. According to the FTC, the manufacturers has deceived its customers on the merits of their products by running false advertisements on the Internet.

In the weight loss patch review, the FTC found the claims of the manufacturers without a real basis of truth. It turned out that they were really misleading their consumers to believe that the products really work.

The truth is out

After the FTC's review of the weight loss patches being complained about, other websites followed suit. It all turns out that these products are not in any way effective in losing unwanted weight. They are get-rich quick schemes that companies made out at the expense of a very gullible public.

False advertising

The promotion of diet patches is one form of false advertising. It led the public to believe that these products really work. The Internet, being an effective tool in providing information was utilized to misinform users about the actual merits of the weight loss patch. It's a good thing that there are still people who bother to run a weight loss patch review to tell everybody to be wary of these products.

Beware of misleading information

The false claims of weight loss patches is just one of the many instances of misinformation on the internet. People should be careful in trying out new products. Putting so much faith on advertisements without going through weight loss patch reviews caused a lot of people to lose money on useless products.

Bottom line is, the best way to lose weight is to go for a healthier diet and lots of exercise. No amount of weight loss patches can imitate the effects of a healthy lifestyle.

A Review of the Weight Loss Patch - How Effective Are They?

Phillip England is a weight loss expert and Author of the popular report "The Ultimate Weight Loss Secret". To receive your free information on the secret that doctors, and health companies either don't know, or don't want you to know, please see []